Sofia, Bulgaria, 16th of May 2023
ASAP has developed a new system for tracking graduates' achievements and a network of information for career guidance for the University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov"-Burgas. The system will be used by all partners in the project „Modernization of the higher education institutions. Technical University - Varna, Technical University - Sofia, Technical University - Gabrovo and Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov University, Burgas“, executed according to contract No. BG05M2OP001-2.016-0028-C01, funded by Operational Programme Science and Education for Smart Growth, co-funded by The European structural and investment funds“. The specialized software solution creates a unified environment for career exchanges and tracking of the professional development of students from each university's partner universities.
„Working on this project was an honour for us, because we believe that on one hand, we contributed to the modernization of Bulgarian education, and on the other hand, we contributed to the development of young professionals.“, said Mr. Peter Zyumbilev, CEO of ASAP
The system makes it possible to fully serve the needs of career centres of higher education institutions. As a result, information about the students' achievements after graduation is collected, as well as reports and analyses are generated, which enable reasonable conclusions to be drawn regarding the quality of the study programs.
About ASAP
ASAP started its activity back in 2007 and now is one of the fastest growing IT companies, which solutions are business oriented. The company operates in the territories of Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, and Macedonia, and offers a wide variety of services – maintenance of computer systems, communication transmission equipment for voice and data, building of VPN networks and system integration, software services, and many others. Among ASAP's partners are some of the leading worldwide corporations, like SAP, Microsoft, Acer, Dell and Ciscо.
About the University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov"-Burgas.
"Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov" University is the only state university in Southeast Bulgaria. Education at the University is carried out in five faculties - Faculty of Technical Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare and Faculty of Medicine. It includes three colleges - Technical College, Medical College and College of Tourism and two departments - Department of Language Training and Department for Qualification and Professional Development of Pedagogical Specialists.
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